Cooking Up the Best of Both Worlds

These days it’s rare to hit the local restaurant strip without coming across a fusion dish. Creating fusion recipes is creative, fun and a little risky.Why not raise yourself to the occasion for the sake of a great gastronomic adventure and create a fusion meal of your own!

Fusion cuisine is a new modern cooking style that forges a dish out of two different traditional food-types or influences. For instance, an Asian Fusion dish could be a beef

Working with a chef who’s specialty was Californian cuisine and with neither one of us ever having heard of Indian Fusion, we took it upon ourselves to give this new experience a try.
Here are the delicious recipes we tried out!

Phylo-Pastry Samosa – A lighter presentation to a typical heavy indian appetizer.

Curry-infused Ceviche – Add a dash of curry powder to the californian cold seafood salad. Delicious!

Saag Paneer Salad – Instead of heavily cooking the spinach as is required in the traditional saag paneer dish, we wilted the spinach just slightly until it turned bright green and fried larger triangular pieces of paneer, for the ultimate presentation.

It was easy and absolutely tasty. What a treat for the tastebuds who think they have had it all !

To get started pick two different food influences and then see how you can mix up either key flavours or key dishes of the region/style for a suberb combination.

And don’t forget to share the fusion styles you have tried out with us by sending in your comments as a reply to this post!