Imagine this… as you are flying down a mountain, possibly even with a friend on your sled. You look to your right, you see the rocky side of the mountain, and to your left a sheer cliff drop with no barriers offering any protection whatsoever. You’ve gotta pay attention, if you’re sledding in Switzerland !
The sled goes down the hill at a surprisingly fast speed, so be sure to bring wind proof gloves. The sled’s fast speed is due to the fact that the only contact it has with the snow is two metal poles no wider than one to two centimeters in diameter. So, you, or the person sitting at the back of the sled, uses their heels by putting pressure on the snow to slow and/or steer the sled… to prevent it from flying off the edge.
At one point, we even had to steer ourselves under a bridge. There was a definite scary moment where we risked slamming into the flat facade that was part of the tunnel. Yikes!
So check out these links for more information on various sledding runs across Switzerland: